Traditional and Modern Tips on Healthy Pregnancy

>> Thursday, October 3, 2013

By Dina Noe

Hire a doula. A doula is someone who is trained to be a birth coach. They can provide you with lots of support, ideas and strength during the labor of delivering your baby. They can assist your partner in being the best birth coach they can and also it gives you the comfort of having someone who is very experienced in the room with you.

Exercising when you are pregnant is a wonderful choice to make. You want to start out early in your pregnancy, and remain consistent. This will help you lower your risk of a miscarriage, and can also help shorten how long you are in labor, as well as reducing the risk of having any complications.

Eat five or six well-balanced meals every day. This will help you to get all the nutrition that you need, as well as the calories. You should not be eating junk food all day. There is no nutritional value in that, and the only thing it will do for you is put on extra pounds.

Write a journal about your experiences through pregnancy! This will give you a place to write down the mundane and the sublime. Write down new things you notice and things that worry you! This will be a great tool for remembering things to ask your doctor about and it is something you can pass down to your child or their significant other as they prepare for your grandchildren.

Make sure you are getting enough protein in your diet when you are pregnant. This is an important nutrient for your baby to grow healthy, as well as being good for you. Foods that are high in protein include buts, legumes, eggs, chicken, hamburger meat, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, and tofu.

Go ahead and give in to your pregnancy cravings. Doctors aren't quite sure if cravings are a result of emotional changes or of nutritional deficits in your diet, but not getting the foods you crave can be stressful during a time when you don't need the added stress. Just be careful that your diet is healthy overall.

Do not forget about your spouse or partner when you are pregnant. Chances are, they are just as nervous as you are about the baby coming and they need reassurance as well. Spend time together by going to the movies or taking a walk. Enjoy the time you have before your new addition comes!

Do not get worried if you haven't gotten pregnant in the first year of trying. The general consensus among doctors is that it takes a year of actively trying to become pregnant before there is cause for concern. If you have been trying for a year with no success, see your doctor for an evaluation.

Pregnant women want to do everything they can to keep their newborn baby safe. Taking folic acid is very important for a baby's development and should be taken especially during the first trimester. Folic acid ensures proper brain and spinal cord formation. The recommended dose for pregnant women is a thousand micrograms each day.

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