>> Monday, April 19, 2010

Lisa Olson Pregnancy Miracle Review -

Book Downloa

Lisa Olson Pregnancy Miracle Book isn't your normal pregnancy guide. It is a 240 page book that will teach you about the male and female anatomy and the reasons why so many couples are finding it difficult to conceive these days, as well as offer some traditional help along the way. But there is more.

This book is designed to take you on the journey of a lifetime, one that goes beyond learning what every doctor out there already knows, in order to help you find your path to parenthood.Every couple's story is different, yet they long for a child they cant seem to conceive.

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If you are one of those couples, this book will show you how to break free from your own infertility issues by explaining:

1. About Human Anatomy and the role it plays in infertility issues

Chapter one of Lisa Olson Pregnancy Miracle will go over the basics of the male and female anatomy including a review of male reproductive organs and the hormonal system, a women's menstrual cycle, your individual genes, and how they can all effect a couples fertility, as well as sex and how it can(and should) work when it comes to conceiving a child.

2. The Eastern view of Fertility and the Myths of western medicine

Modern medicines has made great strides in helping fertile couples finally conceive, but does it really work?. Chapter 2 will discuss the eastern worlds view on fertility and discuss some of the misconceptions help by traditional medical doctors in regards to fertility and a couples conception options.

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3. The Steps to Getting Pregnant and Giving Birth

If getting pregnant and delivering a healthy baby is what you are after,then chapter 3 of Lisa Olson Pregnancy Miracle book will offer you the five steps necessary to achieve that goal naturally which include:

- strengthening your reproductive system by balancing your energies using traditional chinese medicine

- making diet and exercise changes necessary to conceive

-internal cleansing and liver detoxification

- learning the three step secret to conceiving a healthy fetus

-Cleansing your energy for conception using Acupuncture and Acupressure

4. Considering Special Circumstances

Chapter 4 discusses some of the special circumstances you may be encountering including:

- advanced age

-unexplained infertility

- secondary infertility

- mechanical infertility

- PCOS, endometriosis, Fibroids, Ovarian Cysts

- Cancer and Infertility

- Tubal Ligation and more

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5. Dealing with The Tests, Emotions and outcome of Diagnosis

Chapter 5 of Lisa Olson Pregnancy Miracle book is designed to help you overcome the emotional roller coaster ride of undergoing further testing, dealing with your diagnosis, and finding your own way to overcome your infertility issues.

I would recommend Lisa Olson Pregnancy Miracle Book download for those looking for a holistic and natural way to get pregnant and reverse both male and female infertility issues in no time, the best thing about this guide is that its economical and cheaper as compared to other expensive over the counter infertility treatments available these days.
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Symptom of Pregnancy

>> Thursday, March 18, 2010

Pregnancy is a most unique period in a woman's life. While bringing great joy, it can also be a very confusing time for most women as they try to figure out whether they are really pregnant. Of course, it is very much possible to confuse the early signs of pregnancy with symptoms of some other illness. At the same time, there are some symptoms of pregnancy that will confirm the onset of pregnancy.
Pregnancy Symptoms One of the commonest early signs of pregnancy is a missed period. The confusion sets in because a missed period can also be due to stress, illness, and fluctuations in weight. Cessation of oral contraceptives, and a polycystic ovary syndrome also lead to a missed period.

Changes in the size and feel of the breast are an early sign of pregnancy. The breasts begin to enlarge and most women experience greater tenderness of the breast along with a tingling sensation. It may well be that this pregnancy symptom disappears after some time.Nausea and vomiting is also an early sign of pregnancy and amongst the most unwelcome symptoms of pregnancy.
It can occur as early as two weeks after conception and tends to taper off by the end of the third month of the pregnancy.While many women experience tiredness, this can be due to other reasons as well and cannot by itself be considered a pregnancy symptom.The darkening of the areola is also indicative of pregnancy. It remains for the entire tenure of the pregnancy and is one of the surest symptoms of pregnancy.

Frequent urination as early as two weeks after conception is also indicative of pregnancy. This occurs due to higher levels of progesterone and the uterus rising up to the abdomen, which in turn exerts pressure on the bladder. The bladder then feels full, even though there may not be a need to urinate. Some women are also affected by constipation, which can also be quite annoying.

Another symptom of pregnancy is women feeling queasy about certain foods while experiencing an almost uncontrollable craving for other foods.Weekly Pregnancy Calendar Pregnancy calendars are a handy way of keeping a record of the changes a woman's body and the fetus undergo at specific intervals during the course of the pregnancy. A weekly pregnancy calendar does this on a weekly basis.

The calculation typically begins from the last date of last period and includes the due date of birth, which is generally forty weeks from the first day of the last period. It is a useful tool to monitor the health of the mother and the baby.First-time mothers can easily confuse pregnancy symptoms with symptoms of other illness.
However, awareness of early signs of pregnancy will help you in identifying these symptoms in the initial stages. A weekly pregnancy calendar is a useful aide to monitor the heath of the mother and the baby.
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